Millett Residence

A revamp of a tired and overgrown Minneapolis yard. Special emphasis on low growing and low maintenance.

For this project I was tasked with creating a design for a client in South Minneapolis. I met with the client and her daughter on site to discuss what she needed and expected for the project. After talking with them and taking notes, I took measurements of the property and notes on the site conditions.

I used this information to draft the site and create the final design. When I had the design completed I created an estimate and all necessary paperwork for presenting the design. The client and I met again and I presented the project to her. After the presentation we went over the terms and conditions and got them signed up. Next, I had to complete the remaining paperwork for completing the installation and sent the order through.

When the installation came I met with the crew on site, explained the project and answered any questions they had, and assisted them with laying out the plants. After the installation was completed, I went back to the site and met again with the client to make sure she was satisfied with the work.


Swanbeck Residence


The Galleria Mall