Our services.

  • Design.

    Work with me to create the landscape plan of your dreams. Starts with a brief on-site meeting to get a sense of your taste, scope of the space, and what you are looking to get out of it. Then I will take what we discussed, along with some measurements, and create a scaled plan (CAD or Hand drawn, it is up to you) that is ready for installation.

  • Coaching.

    For the more hands-on or DIY minded. Starting with a quick walk around the site, we will work together to come up with a design idea for you to implement as you please. Includes a easy to follow sketch, plant list, a plan for you to follow for installation, and a guide for post-installation care.

  • Installation.

    Installation of the design we created. Due to this being a solo operation, I am only able to do installations up to a certain point. Planting bed preparation, sod removal/install, planting of shrubs and perennials, and minimal hardscaping are all something I can do for you. For things like large trees, hardscaping, or severe grade changes I will refer you to one of the amazing subcontractors I work with.

  • Maintenance.

    Garden maintenance services include seasonal annual plantings (container or bed planting), spring/fall cleanup, pruning and/or shearing of shrubs, splitting or transplanting perennials, and more!